The salmon life cycle begins with eggs placed on freshwater gravel beds. They hatch into alevins, which rely on yolk sacs for nutrition. As fry, they leave the pebbles, eat insects, and grow. As smolts, they adapt to saltwater and migrate to the ocean. After several years in the ocean, adult salmon return to their birthplace to spawn, laying eggs in gravel beds. The majority die after spawning, completing the cycle.
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What is the life cycle of salmon?
Atlantic salmon life cycle
Atlantic salmon lay eggs in freshwater in autumn. After hatching, they become alevins, fry, and feed in freshwater for 1-3 years. As smolts, they migrate to the ocean, mature for 1-3 years, then return to spawn, often surviving to spawn again.
Pacific salmon life cycle
Pacific salmon (Coho, Sockeye, Chum, Chinook, Pink) lay eggs in the fall, hatch into alevins, fry, and feed in freshwater. They migrate to the ocean as smolts, mature for 1–5 years, and return to spawn in the fall.
How Many Stages for Grooving Salmon?
What are the 7 stages of the salmon life cycle?
In the salmon life cycle, females lay eggs in gravel nests, which males fertilize. The eggs incubate for months, hatching into alevins that rely on their yolk sacs for nourishment. According to NOAA, salmon eggs require a stable temperature range between 4°C and 12°C to develop properly.
Alevins absorb their yolk sac and rise to the surface to fill their swim bladder, a process called “swim-up.” After this, they become fry and start swimming freely.
Fry have eight fins for navigating fast streams and feed on microscopic invertebrates. Their numbers are affected by temperature and competition, and their presence indicates a healthy aquatic environment due to their sensitivity to water quality.
In autumn, fry develop into parr with stripes for camouflage. They feed on insects and grow for 1-3 years. When 10-25 cm long, they undergo smolting, turning silvery, and adapting to seawater for their journey to the ocean.
In spring, 1-3-year-old smolts migrate from rivers to the North Atlantic and Norwegian Sea, feeding on capelin, herring, and sand eels. Rapid growth is crucial for survival, as fewer predators can catch them.
Salmon that mature in one year are called grilse and weigh 0.8 to 4 kg. Those maturing in two years return larger, at 3 to 15 kg. They navigate back to spawning grounds using their homing instinct, overcoming obstacles to continue the life cycle.
A kelt is a salmon that has spawned and is in a weakened state. After spawning, they lose weight and strength but typically return to the ocean to recover. Kelts can survive and spawn multiple times, aiding in population sustainability.
Where do salmon live in the world?

How to Find Salmon in Oceans?
Salmon can be found by looking for specific water temperatures and currents where they feed, often near river mouths and coastal areas.
Where do salmon live in the ocean?
Salmon live in the North Pacific and North Atlantic oceans, traveling to rich feeding sites.
How long does salmon live in the ocean?
Salmon typically live in the ocean for one to five years, depending on the species.
How Long Do Salmon Live?
The lifespan of salmon varies by species, generally ranging from 3 to 7 years, with some living up to 10 years.
How Long Do Salmon Live After Spawning?
After spawning, salmon usually survive for a few weeks to months, depending on the species and environmental conditions.
Do Salmon Die After Spawning?
Most salmon do die after spawning, a process known as semelparity, although some species can survive and spawn multiple times.
Why Do Salmon Die After Spawning?
Salmon die after spawning due to exhaustion and physiological changes from the spawning process, as well as energy depletion.
I loved the visual aids in this article! They really helped me understand the salmon life cycle.
It’s amazing how salmon can survive in both freshwater and saltwater.