Salmon Shark

Salmon Shark

Salmon sharks are enormous, powerful predators that live in the North Pacific Ocean. They have a strong, streamlined body for speed, enabling them to chase fast prey like salmon and herring. They are often found in deeper seas ranging from 100 to 500 meters(328 to 1,640 feet).

These sharks can reach over 10 feet and 1,000 pounds, but typically measure 6.5 to 8 feet and 485 pounds, with males slightly smaller than females.

Fast Facts

  • Size 
Salmon Shark

Maximum weight is 1,000 pounds; Maximum length is over 10 feet, but the average is 6-8.

  • Age

Maximum age for males is 25 and maximum age of females is 17.

  • Rang/Distribution

This is commonly found in both coastal and open ocean environments of the subarctic and temperate waters of the North Pacific Ocean.

  • Diet

Primarily feed on Pacific salmon(Coho, Pink, Chum, Chinook, Sockeye), herring, squid, and other fish species.

  • Predators

Salmon sharks have few natural predators, but they can be preyed upon by larger sharks, orcas, and humans.

  • Reproduction

Salmon sharks give birth to 2–5 live pups after mating in late winter to spring.

Life History

Growth and Reproduction

Salmon sharks achieve sexual maturity between the age of 6 and 8 years old. They are mature sexually at 6-8 years, are ovoviviparous, and give birth to 2-5 pups every two years, mating in late winter to early spring.

Feeding Ecology

Salmon sharks usually eat Pacific salmon, herring, squid, and other fish species. Diet changes with prey availability; agile in pursuing fish.


Their migration is done between subarctic and temperate waters on a seasonal basis. These migrations depend on water temperature and prey, often covering long distances for food and mating.

Range and Habitat

It is said to be distributed all over the North Pacific Ocean, from the Bering Sea to Baja California. It prefers temperatures from 2.5 to 24°C and is usually found offshore at depths up to 500 feet, occasionally near shore.

1. Status

These sharks are abundant in the North Pacific, with no major fisheries targeting them and limited bycatch, ensuring a stable population.

2. Threat

Overfishing and a poor image contribute to concerns, especially due to low fecundity and sluggish maturation. Despite the present limits and continuous fishing pressure could damage long-term sustainability.

3. Trend

After reducing bycatch from drift gillnets, populations of salmon shark appear to have rebounded. Recent assessments have confirmed population stability in the Northeast and Northwest Pacific regions.


Can we eat Salmon Shark?

It is not typically recommended for humans to eat. It is a large, predatory shark species that is not commonly eaten.

How big are Salmon sharks?

They can grow up to 12 feet which is 3.7 meters in length. Thats why they are considered the largest Salmon.

Why is it called a salmon shark?

The salmon shark is considered a shark for its diet, as it primarily feeds on salmon.

Is a Salmon Shark a great white shark?

No, a Salmon Shark is not considered a great white shark because its caudal base usually has the presence of secondary keels which is not common for white shark.

Is the salmon shark aggressive?

This Salmon is not considered an aggressive species. It primarily feeds on small fish and is not known to pose a significant threat to humans.

How to cook salmon shark?

We can cook it by baking it at 400° Fahrenheit. It needs to be cooked for 12-15 minutes in the given tempreature.

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  1. Amelia says:

    I always thought Great Whites were the top cold-water predators, but Salmon Sharks are up there too.

  2. Incredible how these sharks hunt in cold waters.

  3. I didn’t know that Salmon Sharks prey on Pacific salmon.